Come sono le persone

What people are like 

Here are some useful adjectives to describe people’s personality [personalità] and behavior [comportamento]:

Adjectives in -o in the masculine singular

  • affettuoso               affectionate
  • allegro                     cheerful
  • antipatico               unpleasant, not nice
  • bravo                       good; talented
  • buffo                        funny
  • buono                      good at heart
  • cattivo                     mean
  • contento                 happy
  • creativo
  • dinamico
  • estroverso               extroverted
  • generoso
  • introverso               introverted
  • nervoso
  • pigro                         lazy
  • riservato
  • serio
  • severo                      strict
  • simpatico
  • sportivo                  athletic
  • timido
  • tranquillo               calm, chill

Adjectives in -e  in the masculine and feminine singular

  • affabile                   affable; easy going
  • affidabile                reliable
  • arrogante
  • divertente               fun
  • dolce                        sweet
  • felice                        happy
  • gentile                     kind
  • intelligente
  • (ir)responsabile
  • (im)paziente
  • indifferente
  • socievole                 sociable; friendly
  • umile                       humble

Adjectives in -ista in the masculine and feminine singular

  • altruista               unselfsih
  • egoista                  selfish
  • idealista
  • realista
  • ottimista
  • pessimista


Also learn these two very common idioms, which are invariable (no gender and number agreement necessary):

  • alla mano = easy going; down-to-earth; chill
  • in gamba = in great shape mentally and physically; cool; smart; talented [like a combination of bravo, intelligente + cool]



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