Altri verbi irregolari

More irregular verbs

bere [to drink] dire [to say; to tell] sapere [to know] venire [to come]
(io) bevo (io) dico (io) so (io) vengo
(tu) bevi (tu) dici (tu) sai (tu) vieni
(lui, lei) beve (lui, lei) dice (lui, lei) sa (lui, lei) viene
(noi) beviamo (noi) diciamo (noi) sappiamo (noi) veniamo
(voi) bevete (voi) dite (voi) sapete (voi) venite
(loro) bevono (loro) dicono (loro) sanno (loro) vengono


  • Sapere means to know as in to know a piece of information or a fact. > Non so quando comincia il concerto.
  • Sapere also means to know how to do something, to be able / can. >  So cantare bene.
  • Conoscere means to know as in to be acquainted with a person, a place, or a topic, and it is always followed by a noun. > Conosco la mamma di Alessandro. 


  • To say that someone is going to visit someone else, use the verb andare a trovare, as in vado a trovare mia sorella domenica [I am going to visit my sister on Sunday].
  • To say that someone is coming to visit you, use the verb venire a trovare, as in mia sorella viene a trovarmi domenica [My sister is visiting me on Sunday].


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Spunti: Italiano elementare 1 Copyright © 2018 by Daniel Leisawitz and Daniela Viale is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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