Frutta e verdura
l’aglio |
le cipolle |
i cetrioli |
le melanzane |
la lattuga / l’insalata |
i ravanelli |
i peperoni |
la zucca |
i piselli |
English borrows these two Italian terms: i broccoli and gli zucchini (also: le zucchine)
And more veggies. Notice the similarities between English and Italian for some of these terms:
- gli asparagi [asparagus]
- le carote [carrots]
- le patate [potatoes]
- il cavolfiore [cauliflower]
- i fagiolini [green beans]
- i fagioli [beans]
- gli spinaci [spinach]
- i ceci [chickpeas]
Herbs – le erbe, gli odori – are essential in Italian cooking:
- il basilico [basil]
- il prezzemolo [parsley]
- il rosmarino [rosemary]
- la salvia [sage]
- il timo [thyme] etc.
l’anguria |
il melone |
le ciliegie |
i pomodori |
l’uva |
le pere |
i lamponi |
l’ananas |
le mele |
And also:
- le pesche [peaches]
- le albicocche [apricots]
- le fragole [strawberries]
- i mirtilli [blueberries]
- le arance [oranges]
- il kiwi, il mango, la banana, l’avocado
You should also check this exhaustive list from with lots of fruits and vegetables, with pronunciation.