Dovere, potere, volere, conoscere e sapere

Modal verbs dovere (to have to, must), potere (to be able to, can) and volere (to want) take on different meanings depending on whether they are used in the passato prossimo or in the imperfetto.

  • In the passato prossimo the meaning is clear: the subject did the activity expressed (or did not do it in the case of a negative sentence).
  • In the imperfetto the meaning is ambiguous: the subject perhaps did do the activity expressed, perhaps not. Unless the sentence has more details, it won’t be clear.
passato prossimo imperfetto
Ho dovuto aiutare il mio amico a traslocare.

(I had to help my friend with the move–and I did)

Dovevo aiutare il mio amico a traslocare ma ero malato, così non l’ho fatto.

(I was supposed to help my friend with the move but I was sick, so I did not do it.)

Non ho potuto preparare cena.

(I was not able to / I could not prepare dinner —and I didn’t)

Non potevo preparare cena perché ero ancora in ufficio, così ho ordinato delle pizze.

(I could not prepare dinner because I was still in the office, so I ordered a few pizzas.)

Ho voluto regalare un cappello a mio padre.

(I wanted to give my father a hat—and I did)

Volevo regalare un cappello a mio padre, e allora sono andato a comprarlo.

(I wanted to give my father a hat, so I went to buy it.)


Sapere (to know; to know how) and conoscere (to know; to be acquainted with) also take on different meanings:

passato prossimo imperfetto
Ho saputo che traslocherai la settimana prossima.

(I found out / heard that you’re moving next week.)

Non sapevo che traslocavi.

(I didn’t know you were going to move.)


Ho conosciuto Carla due anni fa.

(I met Carla two years ago.)

Non conoscevo Carla tre anni fa.

(I didn’t know Carla three years ago.)


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Spunti: Italiano intermedio 1 Copyright © by Daniela Viale is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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