7.2 Vocabulario: Las celebraciones de hoy

¡Sí puedo! Can-Do Statements

Understand and use vocabulary related to modern holidays and celebrations.

Cake with candle to celebrate fifteen years

  • Los globos (balloons)
  • Los dulces (candies)
  • Las velas (candles)
  • El pastel (cake)
  • El champán (champagne)
  • Los bocadillos (appetizers; sandwiches in Spain)
  • Los regalos (presents, gifts)
  • La invitación (invitation)
  • Los invitados (guests)
  • El aniversario (anniversary)
  • El bautizo (baptism)
  • La boda (wedding)
  • La graduación (graduation)
  • Los quince años (a girl’s 15th birthday celebration)
  • La quinceañera (the girl celebrating her 15th birthday)
  • El día de tu santo / Tu santo (your saint’s day)
  • El brindis (toast)
  • El festejo (party/celebration)
  • Los fuegos artificiales (fireworks)
  • Los novios (bride and groom)


  • Besar (to kiss)
  • Brindar (to make a toast)
  • Casarse con (to marry, to get married to)
  • Cumplir años (to have a birthday)
  • Celebrar (to celebrate)
  • Decorar (to decorate)
  • Divertirse (to have fun)
  • Escoger (to choose)
  • Recoger (to pick up)
  • Romper (to break)
  • Terminar (to end)
Licenses and Attributions:

Photo Author: Hanna Pedroza
Published October, 2016
Free to use under the Unsplash License


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¡Todos unidos! Communication in Spanish I Copyright © 2024 by Amelia Moreno and Camille Qualtere is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.