1.8 Repaso: Capítulo 1
Read the review summary below to assist you in completing your Intercultural Communication assignments and to prepare for demonstrating your mastery of the Can-Do Statements.
La cara y la cabeza (face and head)
- la frente (forehead)
- la piel (skin)
- los ojos (eyes)
- la nariz (nose)
- la boca (mouth)
- los dientes (teeth)
- los labios (lips)
- la lengua (tongue)
- el oído (inner ear)
- la oreja (outer ear)
- el cerebro (brain)
- el cuello (neck)
El torso y las extremidades (torso and limbs)
- la espalda (back)
- el pecho (chest)
- el estómago (stomach)
- las piernas (legs)
- los pies (feet)
- las manos (hands)
- los dedos de las manos (fingers)
- los dedos de los pies (toes)
- los brazos (arms)
- los huesos (bones)
- los músculos (muscles)
Los verbos reflexivos
despertarse (to wake up)
levantarse (to get up)
arreglarse (to get ready/ready oneself)
limpiarse (to clean/get clean)
cepillarse los dientes (to brush one’s teeth)
cepillarse el pelo (to brush one’s hair)
vestirse (to get dressed),
ponerse (to put on),
probarse (to try on)
Otros verbos reflexivos
acostarse (to lie down, to go to bed)
relajarse (to relax)
cansarse (to get tired)
olvidarse (to forget)
The following are some more common reflexive verbs and their non-reflexive equivalents:
Forma reflexiva | Forma no reflexiva |
afeitarse (to shave oneself) | afeitar (to shave someone or something) |
arreglarse (to get ready/ready oneself) | arreglar (to arrange someone or something) |
bañarse (to bathe oneself) | bañar (to bathe someone or something) |
caerse (to fall down) | caer (to fall, go down) |
cepillarse (to brush oneself) | cepillar (to brush someone or something) |
ducharse (to shower oneself/take a shower) | duchar (to shower/give someone a shower) |
irse (to go away, to leave) | ir (to go) |
lastimarse (to hurt oneself) | lastimar (to hurt someone or something) |
lavarse (to wash oneself) | lavar (to wash someone or something) |
levantarse (to get up) | levantar (to lift someone or something) |
llamarse (to be called, named) | llamar (to call someone or something) |
maquillarse (to put make-up on oneself) | maquillar (to put make-up on someone else) |
ponerse (to put on) | poner (to put) |
probarse (to try on) | probar (to try, to taste) |
quemarse (to burn oneself) | quemar (to burn someone or something) |
quitarse (to take off, e.g. clothing) | quitar (to take away from someone or something) |
relajarse (to relax oneself) | relajar (to relax someone or something) |
Adverbios de frecuencia
Con frecuencia | Sin frecuencia |
usualmente, constantemente (usually) | nunca, jamás (never) |
generalmente, por lo general (generally) | rara vez, pocas veces, poco (rarely, few times, few) |
a menudo, regularmente (often / regularly) | a veces, casi nunca, de vez en cuando (sometimes, almost never, once in a while) |
cada semana, semanalmente (every week) | apenas (hardly ever) |
todos los días, diariamente (everyday) | por lo menos (at least) |
muchas veces, bastante, mucho (many times, a lot) | |
siempre (always) |