6.3 Introducción: Tenía que ir a la biblioteca

El imperfecto

Books on brown wooden shelf. A library.

How are you reading this right now? Are you reading digitally or on paper? Either way, of course, you’re using technology – it’s just that some technologies are older than others.

In the following section, we’ll learn how to talk about life before the internet.

People used to do all sorts of things (hard as it is to imagine) – but we will need a new verb tense to talk about what they were doing.

The imperfect will allow us to describe ongoing or repeated actions in the past.


Licenses and Attributions:

Photo Author: Susan Q. Yin
Published on April 29, 2018
Free to use under the Unsplash License


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

¡Todos unidos! Communication in Spanish I Copyright © 2024 by Amelia Moreno and Camille Qualtere is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.