3.2 Vocabulario: Las tiendas y las compras

¡Sí puedo! Can-Do Statements

Recognize vocabulary related to shopping.

En la tienda de ropa (At the clothing store)

Store window

El escaparate (display case, store window)

Store clerk

El/la empleado/a (clerk, employee), El/la cajero/a


Efectivo (cash)

Cash register

La caja (cash register)


La cartera (wallet)

Dressing room

El probador (dressing room)


La talla (size)

Try on

Probar (o→ue) (to try)

Put on

Vestirse (e→i) (to wear, to put on)


Costar (o→ue) (to cost)

Measuring tape

Medir (e→i) (to measure; to be a certain length/height/width)

Envelope stamped devolver al remitente

Devolver (o→ue) (to return, give back), Volver (o→ue) (to return, come back)


De moda (fashionable for clothing) / a la moda (fashionable for a person)

Billboard advertising a sale

Rebajado (on sale)


Apretado (tight)

wide, loose

Ancho (wide)


Barato (cheap)


Caro (expensive)


Cómodo (comfortable)

Small, medium, large

Pequeño, Chico, Mediano, Grande (Petite, Small, Medium, Large)

Registered trademark symbol

De marca (brand-name)

En el supermercado (In the supermarket)

Tin can

La lata (can)

cardboard box

La caja  (box)


La bolsa (bag)


La botella (bottle)


El frasco (jar)

One pound

Una libra (one pound)

Half kilogram weight

Medio kilo (half a kilogram, i.e. roughly a pound)

One quart measuring cup

Un cuarto de galón (one quart, i.e. ¼ gallon)

a dozen eggs

Una docena, media docena (one dozen, half dozen)

Shopping cart

El carrito (shopping cart)


El pasillo (aisle / hall)


El estante (shelf)

Paying with credit card

Pagar (to pay)

cashier making change

El cambio (change)


El recibo (receipt)

En sitios de Internet (Internet sites)

Sign up icon

Inscribirse (to sign up, to become a member)


Buscar (to look for, seek, search for;¡OJO! This verb is not followed by a preposition in Spanish)

Icon of a box

Pedir (e→i) (to order, to request)

Tag with percent sign

Recibir un descuento (to get a discount)

Icon of a form

Llenar el formulario (to fill/fill out the form)

Icon for express delivery

Preferir (e→ie) la entrega urgente (to prefer express delivery)

En la tienda de ropa (At the clothing store)

  • El escaparate (the display case, store window)
  • El/la empleado/a (clerk, employee)
  • El/la cajero/a (cashier)
  • Efectivo (cash)
  • La caja (cash register)
  • La cartera (wallet)
  • El probador (dressing room)
  • La talla (size)
  • Probar (o→ue) (to test, to try on)
  • Vestirse (e→i) (to wear, to put on)
  • Costar (o→ue) (to cost)
  • Medir (e→i) (to measure; to be a certain length/height/width)
  • Devolver (o→ue) (to return, to give back)
  • Volver (o→ue) (to return, to come back)
  • De moda (fashionable for clothing) /a la moda (fashionable for a person)
  • Rebajado (on sale)
  • Apretado (tight)
  • Ancho (wide)
  • Barato (cheap)
  • Caro (expensive)
  • Cómodo (comfortable)
  • Pequeño, Chico, Mediano, Grande (Petite, Small, Medium, Large)
  • De marca (brand-name)

¿Necesitas repasar las prendas de ropa? Puedes repasar en el capítulo 3 del libro ¡Todos unidos!Fundamentals of Spanish.


En el supermercado (At the supermarket)

  • La lata (can)
  • La caja (box)
  • La bolsa (bag)
  • La botella (bottle)
  • El frasco (jar)
  • Una libra (one pound)
  • Medio kilo (half a kilogram, i.e. roughly a pound)
  • Un cuarto de galón (one quart, i.e. ¼ gallon)
  • Una docena, media docena (one dozen, half dozen)
  • El carrito (cart)
  • El pasillo (aisle)
  • El estante (shelf)
  • Pagar (to pay)
  • El cambio (change)
  • El recibo (receipt)

¿Necesitas repasar el vocabulario de la comida? Puedes repasar en el capítulo 5 del libro ¡Todos unidos!Fundamentals of Spanish.


En sitios de Internet

  • Inscribirse (to sign up, to become a member)
  • Buscar (to look for, seek, search for; ¡OJO! This verb is not followed by a preposition in Spanish)
  • Pedir (e→i) (to order, to request)
  • Recibir un descuento (to get a discount)
  • Llenar /llenar el formulario (to fill/to fill out the form)
  • Preferir (e→ie) la entrega urgente (to prefer express delivery)


  • Usamos los números en español mucho en las tiendas, para hablar de las tallas (sizes), las cantidades, y cuánto cuestan las cosas. ¿Necesitas repasar? Puedes repasar en los capítulos 1, 2 y 3 del libro ¡Todos unidos!Fundamentals of Spanish.


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CC licensed content, Shared previously

CC licensed content, Specific attribution

Public domain content


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¡Todos unidos! Communication in Spanish I Copyright © 2024 by Amelia Moreno and Camille Qualtere is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.