2.4 Introducción: ¿Quién recogió los platos?

Los verbos regulares en pretérito.

Dishes and Food
¿Quién recogió los platos después de cenar?

There may be psychological advantages to living in the now, but wouldn’t it be nice to be able to say things about the past? After this section, you will be able to describe past events in Spanish!

We will be learning the preterite tense, which is one of the two simple past tenses in Spanish.

In English, the preterit is usually formed by adding –ed or –t to the base form of a verb. I walk, I walked. As you know, however, there are also irregular verbs in English: I go, I went.

The same is true of Spanish, which, as we’ve seen, has both regular and irregular verbs. In the section ahead, we will be focusing on the regular verbs, but we will get to the others soon!

If you want to know more about verb tenses in English, click here

Licenses and Attributions:
Photo Author: Brooke Lark
Title: Fun Table
Date: January 2018
Free to use under the Unsplash License


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

¡Todos unidos! Communication in Spanish I Copyright © 2024 by Amelia Moreno and Camille Qualtere is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.