¡Sí puedo! Can-Do Statements
Use family vocabulary to describe members of a family.
Understand spoken information about the members of a family.
La familia
Note: Click on the image for a larger version of the family tree
Text version of the family tree (with audio):
El abuelo / La abuela (the grandfather/grandmother)
El amigo / La amiga (the male/female friend)
El esposo / La esposa (the husband /wife)
El hermano / La hermana (the brother/sister)
El hijo / La hija (the son/daughter)
La madre / mamá (the mother/ mom)
El nieto / La nieta (the grandchild /the grandson or granddaughter)
El novio / La novia (the boyfriend/girlfriend)
El padre / papá (the father/dad)
La pareja (the couple, the partner)
El pariente (the relative)
El primo / La prima (the male/female cousin)
El sobrino / La sobrina (the nephew/niece)
El tío / La tía (the uncle / aunt)
La cuñada / el cuñado (the sister-in-law / brother-in-law)
Los medio hermanos / el medio hermano/ la media hermana (the half-brothers /the half-brother / the half-sister or half-siblings)
Los hermanastros / el hermanastro / la hermanastra (the stepbrothers / the stepbrother / the stepsister-or step-siblings)
El hijastro / La hijastra (the stepson / the stepdaughter)
La madrastra / El padrastro (the stepmother / the stepfather)
la suegra / el suegro (the mother-in-law/father-in-law)
Tipos de familias:
- Familia nuclear o pequeña (the nuclear or small family)
- Familia extendida o grande (the extended or large family)
- La primera, la segunda, la tercera generación (the first, second, third generation)
- La familia política (the in-laws)
- La familia moderna (the modern family)
- La familia tradicional (the tradictional Family)
Las mascotas (Pets)
el perro / la perra (the dog)