¡Sí puedo! Can-Do Statement
Identify objects in the classroom.
En la mochila del estudiante (in the student’s backpack)
- la mochila (the backpack)
- el diccionario (the dictionary)
- la computadora (the computer)
- la calculadora (the calculator)
- el teléfono (the telephone)
- el libro (the book)
- el marcador (the marker)
- el cuaderno (the notebook)
- el bolígrafo / la pluma (the pen)
- el lápiz (the pencil)
- la carpeta (the folder)
- la hoja de papel (the piece of paper)
- [not numbered] el escritorio (the desk)
En la clase (in the class)

- la pared (the wall)
- el estudiante (the student, m)
- la estudiante (the student, f)
- el reloj (the clock)
- el proyector (the projector)
- la mesa (the table)
- el pupitre (the desk)
- la cortina (the curtain)
- la ventana (the window)
- el profesor / la profesora (the professor, m, f)
En el salón de clase (in the classroom)

- la luz (the light)
- el mapa (the map)
- la pizarra (the chalkboard)
- la puerta (the door)
- la silla (the chair)
- [not in picture] la basura (the trash)
Una palabra útil (a useful word): Hay (there is / there are; hay is an invariable verb that is only used to talk about the existence or presence, or the quantity and number of things.)