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4.25 Vocabulario: En la casa
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Identify rooms and furniture in the home.
el baño (the bathroom)
1. el inodoro (the toilet)
2. la bañera (the bathtub)
3. la ducha (the shower)
4. el espejo (the mirror)
5. el lavabo (the sink)
el dormitorio (the bedroom)
1. la cama (the bed)
2. la mesita de noche (the night stand)
3. la lámpara (the lamp)
4. el armario (the closet)
la sala (the living room)
1. el sofá (the sofa/couch)
2. el sillón (the armchair)
3. la cortina (the curtain)
4. la mesita (the little table/end table)
5. la alfombra (the carpet/rug)
6. el comedor (the dining room)
7. La mesa (the table)
la cocina (the kitchen)
1. el refrigerador (the refrigerator)
2. la nevera / el congelador (the freezer)
3. el fregadero (the sink)
4. la estufa (the stove)
5. el microondas (the microwave)
6. el horno (the oven)
7. el patio (the patio)
8. el jardín (the garden/yard)