¡Sí puedo! Can-Do Statements
Describe the weather.
Vocabulario: El clima
Weather expressions in Spanish are different from those in English, particularly in the way they are constructed.
A: ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy? (What is the weather like today?)
B: Hoy hace frío y hace viento. (Today it is cold and windy.)
Most weather expressions in Spanish use hace, such as:
Hace mucho calor. (It is very hot)
Hace fresco. (It is cool)
Hace frío. (It is cold)
Hace sol. (It is sunny)
Hace buen tiempo. (The weather is nice)
Hace mal tiempo. (The weather is bad)
Hace viento. (It is windy)
Some weather expressions are different and do not use hace, such as:
Nieva / Está nevando. (It is snowing)
Está despejado. (The sky is clear)
Está nublado. (It is cloudy)
Está húmedo.(It is humid)
Está soleado. (It is sunny)
Hay relámpagos. (There is lightening. It is lightening)
Truena. (It is thundering)
Llovizna. (It is drizzling)
Vocabulary Practice — El clima