¡Sí puedo! Can-Do Statements

Identify months, days, and seasons.

Días y meses

Note: In Spanish, the days and months of the year are NOT written with uppercase letters.

Play AudioDías de la semana  (Days of the week)

  1. Play Audiolunes  (Monday)
  2. Play Audiomartes  (Tuesday)
  3. Play Audiomiércoles  (Wednesday)
  4. Play Audiojueves (Thursday)
  5. Play Audioviernes  (Friday)
  6. Play Audiosábado  (Saturday)
  7. Play Audiodomingo (Sunday)

Play AudioMeses del año  (Months of the year)

  1. Play Audioenero  (January)
  2. Play Audiofebrero  (February)
  3. Play Audiomarzo  (March)
  4. Play Audioabril  (April)
  5. Play Audiomayo  (May)
  6. Play Audiojunio  (June)
  7. Play Audiojulio  (July)
  8. Play Audioagosto  (August)
  9. Play Audioseptiembre  (September)
  10.  Play Audiooctubre  (October)
  11.  Play Audionoviembre  (November)
  12.  Play Audiodiciembre  (December)

Play AudioLas estaciones del año (Seasons of the year)

Palabras útiles  (Useful words)

Play Audio¿Qué día es hoy?
Play Audiohoy es … (today is)

Play Audioayer (yesterday)

Play Audioanteayer (the day before yesterday)
Play Audiomañana (tomorrow)
Play Audiopasado mañana (the day after tomorrow)
Play Audioen tres días (in three days)
Play Audioque viene (next)

Play Audioel lunes que viene = next Monday

Play Audiosiempre (always)

Play AudioLos sábados siempre nadamos. (On Saturdays, we always swim.)

Licenses and Attributions
CC licensed content, Shared previously