¡Sí puedo! Can-Do Statements

Describe people using physical and mental adjectives.


Adjetivos descriptivos

El aspecto físico

Photo of a tall dog

alto/a  (tall)

A short dachshund on a leash

bajo/a  (short)

Image of a yorkshire terrier dog with a pink flower in its hair

bonito/a  (pretty)

Photo of a dog looking handsome in soft focus

guapo/a  (handsome)

A picture of a poodle looking ugly

feo/a  (ugly)

Image of a skinny greyhound dog

delgado/a  (thin)

A photo of an overweight beagle

gordo/a  (fat)

Photo of a small puppy in a cup

pequeño/a  (small)

Photo of an elderly dog

viejo/a  (old)

A picture of a black lab dog

moreno/a (dark-haired or dark-skinned)

A picture of a red-haired irish setter

pelirrojo/a (red-haired)

A picture of a blond yellow lab

rubio/a (blond-haired)

La personalidad

An image of a bored cat

aburrido/a (boring [w. ser])

An angry cat hissing

antipático/a  (unfriendly)

A cheetah running

atlético/a  (athletic)

a cat behind curtains with painted wings and a halo

bueno/a  (good)

A cat grooming a kitten

cariñoso/a  (affectionate)


famoso/a  (famous)

Ningún gato nunca. No cat ever.

generoso/a  (generous)


honesto/a (honest)


malo/a  (bad)


perezoso/a  (lazy)


pobre (poor)


rico/a  (rich)


serio/a  (serious)


simpático/a  (nice)


tímido/a  (timid / shy)


tonto/a  (silly / foolish)

El aspecto físico (physical aspect)

  • alto/a (tall)
  • bajo/a (short)
  • bonito/a (pretty)
  • guapo/a (handsome)
  • feo/a (ugly)
  • delgado/a (thin, skinny)
  • gordo/a (fat)
  • grande (large, big)
  • pequeño/a (small)
  • joven (young)
  • viejo/a (old)
  • moreno/a (dark-haired or dark-skinned)
  • pelirrojo/a (red-haired)
  • rubio/a (blond-haired)

La personalidad (personality)

  • aburrido/a (boring [w. ser])
  • amable/a (nice, amiable)
  • antipático/a (unfriendly)
  • atlético/a (athletic)
  • bueno/a (good)
  • cariñoso/a (caring)
  • cómico/a (funny)
  • egoísta (selfish)
  • famoso/a (famous)
  • generoso/a (generous)
  • honesto/a (honest)
  • impaciente (impatient)
  • inteligente (intelligent)
  • interesante (interesting)
  • malo/a (bad)
  • paciente (patient)
  • perezoso/a (lazy)
  • pobre (poor)
  • rico/a (rich)
  • serio/a (serious)
  • simpático/a (nice)
  • sociable (sociable)
  • tímido/a (timid)
  • tonto/a (foolish, silly)
  • trabajador/a (hard-working)


Licenses and Attributions

CC licensed content, Shared previously

Public domain content

Lumen Learning authored content

  • 4-2-2 Vocabulario: Adjetivos descriptivos. Authored by: SUNY Oneonta with Lumen Learning. License: CC BY: Attribution