¡Sí puedo! Can-Do Statements

Identify the correct conjugation of verbs in the present tense that ends in er and ir.

Use verbs in the present tense that end in er and ir to describe everyday activities.

Regular verbs ending –er / -ir

In Chapter 2, you learned how to conjugate regular–ar verbs. In this lesson, you will learn the conjugations of the other two classes of verbs, those that end in -er and those that end in -ir.

Many common and useful -er and -ir verbs will enable you to describe your regular activities and actions:

Graffiti says "aprobar no es aprender!"

aprobar = to pass (e.g. an exam)

-er verbs

  • Play Audioaprender (to learn)
  • Play Audiobeber (to drink)
  • Play Audiocomer (to eat)
  • Play Audiocomprender (to understand)
  • Play Audiocorrer (to run)
  • Play Audiocreer (to believe)
  • Play Audiodeber (must, should)
  • Play Audioleer (to read)
  • Play Audiovender (to sell)

                                           -ir verbs

  • Play Audioabrir (to open)
  • Play Audiocompartir (to share)
  • Play Audiocumplir (to complete)
  • Play Audiodecidir (to decide)
  • Play Audiodescribir (to describe)
  • Play Audioescribir (to write)
  • Play Audiorecibir (to receive)
  • Play Audiovivir (to live)
Photo of a handwritten sign reading "Vivimos en la era del plástico, muy útil y todo, pero..." with pictures of fish with x's for eyes, surrounded by plastic bottles

Woman speaking into a microphone. The sign behind her reads "La historia la ganan los que escriben"

“History is won by those who write it.”

These verbs are conjugated similarly to –ar verbs, but with different characteristic vowels. In order to form the present tense—just as you did with –ar verbs—remove the –er or –ir ending from the infinitive, and then add the following endings to the stem:

Play Audiobeber (to drink)
(stem: beb)
singular plural
Play Audioyo bebo Play Audionosotros bebemos
Play Audiotú bebes Play Audiovosotros bebéis
Play Audioél/ella/usted bebe Play Audioellos/ellas/ustedes beben
vivir (to live)
(stem: viv)
singular plural
Play Audioyo vivo Play Audionosotros vivimos
Play Audiotú vives Play Audiovosotros vivís
Play Audio él/ella/usted vive Play Audio ellos/ellas/ustedes viven

Note: The only difference in the endings of -er and -ir verbs in the present tense occurs in the nosotros and vosotros forms.


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CC licensed content, Shared previously

Lumen Learning authored content

  • 3-4-1 Verbos regulares de -er/-ir. Authored by: SUNY Oneonta with Lumen Learning. License: CC BY: Attribution