5.20 Los verbos con cambios vocálicos

¡Sí puedo! Can-Do Statements

Understand and use e→ie, e→i, o→ue, u→ue stem-changing verbs.

Verbos con cambios vocálicos (Stem-changing verbs)

We have seen several verbs so far that change the final vowel of their stem in some of their conjugated forms. For example: ¡Ay! Me duelen los pies (doler), and Los niños tienen diez años (tener).

These are not random irregularities– there are four categories of stem-changing verbs. They follow a similar pattern of changing the last vowel of their stem in the conjugated forms where that vowel is stressed.

A. Verbos con cambio vocálico e→ie

Play AudioComenzar (to start, to begin)
Singular Plural
1a Play Audiocomienzo Play Audiocomenzamos
2a Play Audiocomienzas Play Audiocomenzáis
3a Play Audiocomienza Play Audiocomienzan

Note: The nosotros and vosotros forms do not change their ‘e’ to ‘ie’, because the stress in those forms falls on the next syllable.

Remember that the stem-changing vowel does not affect the personal ending for the verb, which depends on who the subject is and whether the verb is in the –ar, -er, or -ir conjugation group.

Here is an example of an -er verb that has the e→ie stem change:

Play AudioQuerer (to want)
Singular Plural
1a Play Audioquiero Play Audioqueremos
2a Play Audioquieres Play Audioqueréis
3a Play Audioquiere Play Audioquieren

B. Verbos con cambio vocálico o→ue

Play AudioDormir (to sleep)
Singular Plural
1a Play Audioduermo Play Audiodormimos
2a Play Audioduermes Play Audiodormís
3a Play Audioduerme Play Audioduermen

C. Verbos con cambio vocálico e→i

Interestingly, all the verbs in this group are -ir verbs.

Play AudioPedir (to ask for, to request)
Singular Plural
1a Play Audiopido Play Audiopedimos
2a Play Audiopides Play Audiopedís
3a Play Audiopide Play Audiopiden

Vocabulario: algunos verbos con cambio vocálico o→ue

  • Play AudioAlmorzar (to eat lunch)
  • Play AudioCostar (to cost)
  • Play AudioDevolver (to return a thing, to give back)
  • Play AudioEncontrar (to find)
  • Play AudioPoder (to be able)
  • Play AudioRecordar (to remember)
  • Play AudioVolver (to return, to come back)

Vocabulario: único verbo con cambio vocálico u→ue

  • Play AudioJugar (to play) (u–>ue: juego, juegas, juega, jugamos, jugáis, juegan)

Vocabulario: algunos verbos con cambio vocálico e→ie

  • Play AudioCerrar (to close)
  • Play AudioEmpezar (to start, to begin)
  • Play AudioEntender (to understand)
  • Play AudioPensar (to think)
  • Play AudioPreferir (to prefer)
  • Play AudioPerder (to lose)
  • Play AudioSentir (to feel)
  • Play AudioTener (to have) (yo tengo, tú tienes…)
  • Play AudioVenir (to come) (yo vengo, tú vienes…)

Vocabulario: algunos verbos con cambio vocálico e→i

“El que rίe de último rίe mejor” (The one that laughs last, laughs best)

  • Play AudioDecir (to say, to tell) (yo digo, tú dices…)
  • Play AudioReír (to laugh) (yo río, tú ríes, él ríe, nosotros reímos, vosotros reís, ellos ríen)
  • Play AudioRepetir (to repeat)
  • Play AudioSeguir (to follow, to continue) (yo sigo, tú sigues…)
  • Play AudioServir (to serve)
  • Play AudioSonreír (to smile) (yo sonrío, tú sonríes…)


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Public domain content

Lumen Learning authored content

  • Stem-changing verbs. Authored by: SUNY Oneonta with Lumen Learning. License: CC BY: Attribution


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¡Todos unidos! Fundamentals of Spanish Copyright © by Amelia Moreno and Camille Qualtere is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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