1.33 Repaso: Capítulo 1

Please read the review summary below to assist you in completing your Intercultural Communication assignments and to prepare for demonstrating your mastery of the Can-Do Statements.

Let’s practice what you have learned!  

1. Saludos y respuestas 

2. El alfabeto: Play the memory game and match the words with the corresponding picture.

3. Los pronombres de sujeto

4. El verbo ser (Parte I)

5. El verbo ser (Parte II)

6. En la clase

7. Género de sustantivos: Play the memory game and match the subject pronoun with the verb form.

8. Artículos indefinidos y definidos



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¡Todos unidos! Fundamentals of Spanish Copyright © by Amelia Moreno and Camille Qualtere is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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