¡Sí puedo! Can-Do Statement

Select the appropriate definite or indefinite article for the context.

Artículos indefinidos y definidos

Movie poster for El Laberinto del Fauno

Definite articles (the) are used with specific nouns. They also tell us whether a noun is masculine or feminine AND plural or singular. They can be expressed in four ways:

masculino femenino
singular el la
plural los las
  • ¿Quién es la profesora de español?
  • Necesito el libro de español.
Movie poster for Un amor en tiempos de Selfies-- A man leaning on a giant cellphone. There is a picture of a woman on the phone.
Movie poster for Unas Preguntas showing two women marching with signs

Indefinite articles (a/an/some) are used with nouns that are not specific or have been previously mentioned. They also state whether a noun is masculine or feminine, singular or plural. They agree in number (singular/plural) and gender (masculine/feminine) with the noun and can be expressed in four ways:

masculino femenino
singular un una
plural unos unas
  • Hay una pizarra en el salón de clase.
  • Hay unos papeles en mi mochila.

El verbo hay

Hay comes from the verb haber, meaning “there is” or “there are.” Hay is the only form used in the present tense for both singular and plural descriptions, so it has a double meaning of “there is / there are.”

Writing on the sidewalk reads: Sin maíz no hay pais.
  • Hay una profesora en la clase. (There is a professor in the class.)
  • Hay treinta estudiantes en la clase. (There are 30 students in the class.)
  • Hay un reloj en la pared. (There is a clock on the wall.)
  • Hay dos pizarras. (There are two blackboards.)
  • ¿Qué hay en tu mochila? (What is there in your backpack?)

When making negative statements, the article is usually not included after the verb:

  • En mi cuarto, no hay cortinas. (In my bedroom there aren’t any curtains.)
  • No hay cartera en su mochila. (There is no wallet in her backpack.)

Hay is never followed by the definite article (el, la, los, las). Hay is only followed by indefinite articles, numbers, adjectives of quantity, or nouns.

  • Hay un papel en mi pupitre. (There is a paper on my desk.)
  • Hay 20 estudiantes en la clase de español. (There are 20 students in the Spanish class.)
  • Hay muchas chicas y pocos chicos en la clase. (There are a lot of girls and few boys in the class.)
  • Hay problemas con el Wifi. (There are problems with the Wifi.)



¡Inténtalo! (Try It!)

A. practiceArtículos indefinidos y definidos

B. practiceArtículos indefinidos y definidos

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  • The Verb Hay. Authored by: The Leaf Architect. Provided by: leaflanguages.org. Located at: https://youtu.be/c0zbQKvQiwE. Project: Leaf Languages. License: All Rights Reserved. License Terms: Standard YouTube License