¡Sí puedo! Can-Do Statements

Use verbs in the present tense that end in –ar to describe everyday activities.

Note: The activities on this page are designed to promote active communication in Spanish. Your instructor may ask you to complete the activities in Canvas using a separate tool, such as video/voice recording or web-conferencing software. Even if the activities are not assigned as coursework, they can be used for individual practice and review.

A. Icon of one person  Frases

Instrucciones: Create a sentence using the following subject, verb, and noun.

Modelo: ella/ comprar/ un cuaderno  →  Ella compra un cuaderno.

  1. Alicia/ estudiar/ biología en la universidad
  2. Mi mamá/ cocinar/ huevos
  3. Nosotros/ necesitar/ ir a la biblioteca
  4. Ellos/ escuchar/ música
  5. Tú/ caminar/ a la cafetería
  6. La profesora/ enseñar/ la clase
  7. Ana/ usar/ la computadora
  8. Yo/ buscar/ un libro de matemáticas
  9. Juan y Marta/ esquiar/ en la montaña
  10. ¿Tú/ trabajar/ en la cafetería?

B. Icon with one person and two people separated by a slash (signifying one or two people)  Preguntas

Respond to the following questions in complete sentences using the -ar verbs that you have learned.

Modelo: ¿Qué haces a las nueve de la mañana (at 9 am)? (¿Qué haces? = What do you do?)
– Yo camino a clase.

  1. ¿Qué haces en el auditorio?
  2. ¿Qué haces en la biblioteca?
  3. ¿Qué hacen tú y tus amigos los fines de semana?
  4. ¿Qué hacemos (What do we do) en la librería?
  5. ¿Qué haces en el laboratorio?
  6. ¿Qué haces con la computadora?
  7. ¿Qué hacen ellos en la cocina?
  8. ¿Qué haces después de la clase de español?

C. Icon of puzzle pieces Guardias de seguridad

Photo of security guards watching monitors
You and your partner are security guards. Unfortunately, your monitors are not working very well. You will have to work together to get a complete view of the situations on campus. For each location, start with camera 1. If your camera 1 is working, describe to your partner what you see. How many of the objects can you name? What is happening in this location? How many -ar verbs can you use? If your camera 1 isn’t working, your partner will describe the scene. You will then do the same with camera 2, which gives another view of the same location.

Active -ar verbs:

ayudar  (to help)
bailar  (to dance)
caminar [al perro] (to walk) [the dog]
cantar  (to sing)
enseñar  (to teach)
escuchar  (to listen)
estudiar  (to study)
hablar  (to speak/talk)
llamar  (to call)
llegar  (to arrive)
mirar  (to look/ to look at)
regresar  (to return)

New -ar verbs:

tocar la guitarra [eléctrica]  (to play guitar) [electric]
masticar (to chew up)
destrozar (to destroy)
pilotear (to pilot)

Extra words:

la cabra (goat)
el caimán (alligator)
el dinosaurio  (dinosaur)
el/la extraterrestre (extraterrestrial)
el robot  (robot)
el monstruo (monster)
el tiburón (shark)
el ratón (mouse)

You can take notes on this Incident Report form.

Click on the appropriate link below to see your bank of monitors.

Photo of TV static. Text on the edges of the image reads: Biblioteca, Cam 1, 13:28:54 Image of a goat standing on a pile of books in the library stacks. The goat is eating a book. Text around the edges of the image reads: Biblioteca, Cam 2, 13:29:35
Photo of two young people dancing. Text around the edges reads: Residencia, Cam 1, 13:32:12 Image of TV static. Text around the edges reads: Residencia, Cam 2, 13:36:24
Image of TV static. Text around the edges reads: Gimnasio, Cam 1, 13:40:08. A red dot shows that the camera is recording. Photo of people swimming in a pool. There are sharks in the pool. Text around the edges reads: Gimnasio, Cam 2, 13:40:19. A red dot signifies recording.
Image of a lecture hall. A professor is lecturing. Text around the outside of the image reads: Aula, Cam 1, 13:44:45. A red dot signifies recording. Image of TV static. Text around the outside reads: Aula, Cam 2, 13:54:11, with a red dot for recording.
Image of TV static. Text around the outside reads: Parque, Cam 1, 13:58:01, recording Photo of a woman talking on a cellphone and holding a leash. There is a large alligator on the leash. The text around the outside of the image reads: Parque, Cam 2, 13:58:02, recording
Photo of students outside a building marked Centro de Atencion al Estudiante. Text around the image reads: Centro, Cam 1, 14:03:39, Recording Image of TV static. Text around the outside of the image reads: Centro, Cam 2, 14:13:46, Recording
Image of TV static. Text around the outside reads: Laboratorio, Cam 1, 14:16:09, Recording Photo of a smiling scientist in a lab. Behind her, a battle mech is coming through the doorway piloted by a white mouse. The text around the outside of the image reads: Laboratorio, Cam 2, 14:17:24, Recording

Photo of students working in a library. Text around the outside of the image reads: Biblioteca, Cam 1, 13:28:54, Recording Image of TV static. Text around the outside reads: Biblioteca, Cam 2, 13:29:35, Recording
Image of TV static. Text around the outside reads: Residencia, Cam 1, 13:32:12, Recording Photo of a young couple dancing. Behind them, through the window, we see the large eye of a monster or dinosaur. Text around the outside reads: Residencia, Cam 2, 13:36:24, Recording
Photo of a man swimming in a pool. Text around the outside reads: Gimnasio, Cam 1, 13:40:08, Recording Image of TV static. Text around the outside reads: Gimnasio, Cam 2, 13:40:19, Recording
Image of TV static. Text around the outside reads: Aula, Cam 1, 13:44:45, Recording Image of a man in a suit in front of a blackboard playing electric guitar with a microphone in front of him. Text around the outside of the image reads: Aula, Cam 2, 13:54:11, Recording
Photo of a woman talking on a cellphone. She is holding a leash in her hand. Text around the outside reads: Parque, Cam 1, 13:58:01, Recording Image of TV static. Text around the outside reads: Parque, Cam 2, 13:58:02, Recording
Image of TV static. Text around the outside reads: Centro, Cam 1, 14:03:39, Recording Image students outside a building marked Centro de Atencio al Estudiante. A fleet of flying saucers are landing. Text around the outside of the image reads: Centro, Cam 2, 14:13:46, Recording
Photo of a professor helping students in a chemistry lab. Text around the outside reads: Laboratorio, Cam 1, 14:16:09, Recording Image of TV static. Text around the outside reads: Laboratorio, Cam 2, 14:17:24, Rec



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