¡Sí puedo! Can-Do Statement

Identify objects in the classroom.


En la mochila del estudiante (in the student’s backpack)

  1. la mochila (the backpack)
  2. el diccionario (the dictionary)
  3. la computadora (the computer)
  4. la calculadora (the calculator)
  5. el teléfono (the telephone)
  6. el libro (the book)
  7. el marcador (the marker)
  8. el cuaderno (the notebook)
  9. el bolígrafo / la pluma (the pen)
  10. el lápiz (the pencil)
  11. la carpeta (the folder)
  12. la hoja de papel (the piece of paper)
  • [not numbered] el escritorio (the desk)


En la clase (in the class)

  1. la pared (the wall)
  2. el estudiante (the student, m)
  3. la estudiante (the student, f)
  4. el reloj (the clock)
  5. el proyector (the projector)
  6. la mesa (the table)
  7. el pupitre (the desk)
  8. la cortina (the curtain)
  9. la ventana (the window)
  10. el profesor / la profesora (the professor, m, f)


En el salón de clase (in the classroom)

  1. la luz (the light)
  2. el mapa (the map)
  3. la pizarra (the chalkboard)
  4. la puerta (the door)
  5. la silla (the chair)
  • [not in picture] la basura (the trash)

Una palabra útil (a useful word): Hay (there is / there are; hay is an invariable verb that is only used to talk about the existence or presence, or the quantity and number of things.)


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CC licensed content, Shared previously

Lumen Learning authored content