¡Sí puedo! Can-Do Statements

Identify rooms and furniture in the home.

Note: The activities on this page are designed to promote active communication in Spanish. Your instructor may ask you to complete the activities in Canvas using a separate tool, such as video/voice recording or web-conferencing software. Even if the activities are not assigned as coursework, they can be used for individual practice and review.

A. individual or partners ¿Qué necesitan?

Tu compañero y tú van a alquilar un apartamento. Escribe una lista de los muebles que necesitan comprar en los cuartos abajo. (You and your roommate are going to rent an apartment. Write a list of the pieces of furniture that you need to buy for each of the rooms below.)

  1. La cocina
  2. El dormitorio
  3. La sala
  4. El patio

B. individual or partners ¿Cómo es tu casa?

Imagina que vives en una de estas casas. Tu compañero quiere alquilar un dormitorio en tu casa. Contesta las preguntas. – ¡Usa tu imaginación! Después, cambia los papeles. (Imagine that you live in one of these houses. Your partner wants to rent a room in your house. Answer the questions below – use your imagination! Then switch roles).

  1. ¿Cuántos dormitorios hay?
  2. ¿Qué muebles hay en el dormitorio que alquilan?
  3. ¿Hay un baño privado para la habitación que alquilan?
  4. ¿Cuántas personas viven en la casa?
  5. ¿Cuánto cuesta el alquiler?


C. Info-gap activity Compañeros de casa

You and your friend from college are getting an apartment together. Your apartment has some great amenities, but you need to purchase some items in order to furnish your apartment. Student 1 and Student 2 decide to divide and conquer, and each of you visits a separate garage sale. You each have $150 to spend on garage sale items. Spend your money wisely!

Paso 1: Pick three amenities from the following list that are already included in your apartment. Choose carefully! You can’t have it all and pay cheap rent.

Mirror un espejo en el baño una secadora Dryer
fridge una nevera dos baños bathroom x 2
una lavadora

Paso 2: You find a garage sale that has some really great deals. Decide what you will buy to take home to your apartment based on your needs and your roommate’s needs. Everything you get will fit in your apartment, but you only have $150!

mattress un colchón (mattress) viejo $40 una pecera $40 Fish tank
un sofá rojo $60 un trampolín $30 Trampoline
lamp una lámpara $10 un juego de toallas $13 towels
drum set una batería $40 una bola de discoteca $50 disco ball
can opener un abrelatas (can opener) $5 un perrito $0 dog

Paso 3: With your roommate, organize your combined purchases based on where you will place the items you purchased in your house.

En la sala:





El la cocina





En el baño





En el dormitorio de estudiante 1





En el dormitorio de estudiante 2





En la lavandería (laundry room)





Paso 1: Pick three amenities from the following list that are already included in your apartment. Choose carefully! You can’t have it all and pay cheap rent.

dishwasher un lavaplatos una estufa Stove
oven un horno tres armarios Closet x3
Microwave un microondas

Paso 2: You find a garage sale that has some really great deals. Decide what you will buy to take home to your apartment based on your needs and your roommate’s needs. Everything you get will fit in your apartment, but you only have $150!

mattress un colchón casi nuevo (almost new) $50 dos cobijas y dos almohadas $15 blanketspillows
two chairs and a table dos sillas y una mesa $65 una mesita $20 Coffee table
Karaoke machine una máquina de karaoke $20 una mesa de futbolín $60 Foosball table
Pinball machine una máquina de pinball $70 un televisor $70 television
Coffee machine una cafetera $15 un gatito $0 cat

Paso 3: With your roommate, organize your combined purchases based on where you will place the items you purchased in your house.

En la sala:





El la cocina





En el baño





En el dormitorio de estudiante 1





En el dormitorio de estudiante 2





En la lavandería (laundry room)






Licenses and Attributions

CC licensed content, Shared previously

Lumen Learning authored content

  • 4-4-3 Ejercicios y actividades. Authored by: SUNY Oneonta with Lumen Learning. License: CC BY: Attribution