¡Sí puedo! Can-Do Statements

Recognize and describe articles of clothing.

Identify articles of clothing based on spoken descriptions.

Note: The activities on this page are designed to promote active communication in Spanish. Your instructor may ask you to complete the activities in Canvas using a separate tool, such as video/voice recording or web-conferencing software. Even if the activities are not assigned as coursework, they can be used for individual practice and review.

A. individual or partners ¿Cuál es el problema? (What’s the problem?)

Explica cuál es el problema con la ropa que estas personas llevan, y qué deben llevar. (Explain what the problem is with the clothes that these people are wearing and what they should wear).

  1. Es el verano y Estela lleva un abrigo y botas para nadar en el mar.
  2. Rodrigo tiene mucho frío y lleva una camiseta y pantalones cortos.
  3. Está nevando y Cecille lleva tenis sin (without) calcetines.
  4. Armando trabaja en la oficina y lleva un traje con una camiseta.
  5. Hace mucho viento y Luisa lleva un paraguas.

B. partners / groupAdivinanzas (Guessing Games)

  1. En pequeños grupos, una persona describe la ropa–¡con colores!–de una persona en la clase, y los compañeros adivinan quién es. (In small groups, one person describes the clothing–with colors!–of someone in the classroom, and the rest of the group guesses who it is).a classroom
  2. En sus grupos toman turnos haciendo gestos para simular usar diferentes prendas de ropa y los compañeros adivinan cuál prenda de ropa es (In your groups take turns making gestures to pretend to use different articles of clothing, and the rest of the group guesses which article of clothing it is).

C. Info-gap activity Las vacaciones  (Vacation)

You and your friend are taking a road trip for Spring Break and leaving right after classes on Friday. Student 1 has been to Los Ángeles before, but this is the first time for Student 2, although Student 2 has good friends who live there. Student 1 will help Student 2 decide what to pack for the 7-day trip based on the weather. Student 2 will help Student 1 decide what to pack based on the special activities for the week.


Paso 1: You have researched the weather forecast for the week you plan to spend in southern California. Based on the forecast below, explain to your friend what the weather will be like during your time there. You may use the present tense for this activity. Note that the degrees are in Celsius!

Sun Sun Sun Cloudy day Sun Cloudy day Lightning storm

Modelo: Estudiante 1: Hace sol y hace buen tiempo el sábado. La temperatura está a 23 grados Celsius o más o menos 76 grados Fahrenheit.

Paso 2: Your friend is helping you decide what you should take to LA for Spring Break. Based on what they tell you about the activities they have planned, decide how many of each item you should take on your trip. There are some blanks for additional items you will want to add to your suitcase based on what you know about the weather from Paso 1!

________ traje(s) de baño
________ traje(s)
________ camisa(s)
________ vestido(s)
________ zapatos formales
________ tacones (high heels)
________ bolso(s)
________ falda(s)
________ pantalones
________ guantes
________ calcetines

Paso 3: Compare your list with your partner’s list. Is there anything you forgot to pack? Add it to your suitcase!


Paso 1: Your friend is helping you decide what you should take to LA for Spring Break. Based on what they tell you about the weather, decided how many of each item you should take on your trip. There are some blanks for additional items you will want to add to your suitcase based on the specific activities you have planned in Paso 2.

________ gorra(s)
________ pantalones cortos
________ bufanda(s)
________ camiseta(s)
________ jean(s)
________ chaqueta(s)
________ calcetines
________ zapatos de tenis
________ sandalias
________ abrigo(s)
________ paraguas

Paso 2: You have arranged several fun activities with the help of your friends who live in the LA area. Use the space below each picture to help you describe what you will be doing while you are in Los Ángeles. Then, tell your friend about the activities you have planned so that Student 1 can pack their bags accordingly. You might discover you need to add some items to your bag as well!

The beach

caminar en la playa

¿Qué día? _____________________
¿A qué hora? __________________
¿Dónde? ______________________
¿Con quién? ___________________

Roller coaster at an amusement park

montar en una montaña rusa

¿Qué día? _____________________
¿A qué hora? __________________
¿Dónde? ______________________
¿Con quién? ___________________

karaoke bar

cantar en el karaoke

¿Qué día? _____________________
¿A qué hora? __________________
¿Dónde? ______________________
¿Con quién? ___________________

disco ball


¿Qué día? _____________________
¿A qué hora? __________________
¿Dónde? ______________________
¿Con quién? ___________________

Hollywood sign

visitar Hollywood

¿Qué día? _____________________
¿A qué hora? __________________
¿Dónde? ______________________
¿Con quién? ___________________

Paso 3: Compare your list with your partner’s list. Is there anything you forgot to pack? Add it to your suitcase!


Licenses and Attributions

CC licensed content, Shared previously

Lumen Learning authored content

  • Actividades: La ropa. Authored by: SUNY Oneonta with Lumen Learning. License: CC BY: Attribution
  • Activity: Las vacaciones. Authored by: Diamond Wilson with Lumen Learning. License: CC BY: Attribution